Monday, October 31, 2016

Full day on Mayne!

We completed our last day of Exploratories for this term and then had our first OIMY plus day. These days allow for our students to experience each of the islands our students represent in the OIMY  program. The program we develop for each island is place-based and focused on local history and ecology often including local experts as facilitators. For example, on this afternoon students rotated through four different learning experiences. One station was run by local experts from our Mayne Island Conservancy: Michael and Stephanie. They shared information about mushrooms now starting to pop up in our forests and students went on a mushroom hunt and practiced identifying species with their help. Mayne Island teacher, Megan Cameron, led students in creating beautiful beach art. Local artist Annette had students create a found sound orchestra and teacher Jess Willows led students in forest games. Here are some photos from this exception afternoon:

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